Why You Should Stay Away from Artificial Flavorings in Your Coffee

Why You Should Stay Away from Artificial Flavorings in Your Coffee

Artificial flavors are added to a lot of products these days, but have you stopped to think about the harm they may be doing to your health? Here’s why you should stay away from artificial flavorings, especially in products you add to your coffee.

 First and foremost, it’s important to understand what artificial flavoring is in the first place. In short, it’s made from inedible substances that are chemically modified to taste like natural flavors.

 That brings us to why you should avoid artificial flavorings. Long story short, artificial flavorings are not natural and eating foods loaded with chemicals that provide zero nutritional benefits isn’t safe.

A lot of coffee creamers and sweeteners are loaded with artificial flavorings in order to help the creamer taste better to consumers.

 So, what are the alternatives? Start looking out for products that are naturally flavored. The best naturally flavored creamer for your coffee is Leaner Creamer. With all natural flavors such as French vanilla, creamy mocha, birthday cake and so much more, you can enjoy a delicious coffee without having to worry about ingesting unhealthy chemicals.

Not to mention Leaner Creamer is a sugar free non dairy creamer and uses coconut oil for a creamy base. It’s also the best weight loss coffee creamer on the market that may help you curb your metabolism and keep off unwanted calories.


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