Ways to Sweeten Your Coffee Without Sugar

Ways to Sweeten Your Coffee Without Sugar

Your morning cup of coffee is amazing for the energy boosting effects, but the amount of sugar we tend to add contributes to why we crash a few hours later. If you’re someone that doesn’t want to give up on coffee but are done with the side effects, try switching to a sugar-free alternative.

 Not only is adding sugar into your coffee not good for maintaining energy levels, but it also causes weight gain, sugar addiction and irritability. But don’t worry, we’ve created a list of healthy alternatives to sugar that go great in your coffee!

 1- Sugar-Free Coffee Creamer

This is the number one way to sweeten your coffee and even add a delicious flavor without having to worry about loading up on sugar. Leaner Creamer is the best sugar free coffee creamer that’s also free of gluten, lactose and trans fats. There are so many flavors to choose from that will guarantee your coffee to be both delicious and nutritious.

 2- Honey

Honey is a good option for those who want a sweeter taste to their coffee. It does have a unique flavor profile, so add to your taste preference. The other good thing about honey is that it contains healthy antioxidants and nutrients that are good for your body.

 3- Coconut Sugar

Even though it has sugar in the name, coconut sugar is a healthy alternative to traditional sugars and sweeteners. This is because coconut sugar is 100% natural and isn’t refined. Another plus is that coconut sugar contains healthy nutrients. Leaner Sweetener Coconut Sugar is a delicious sugar alternative that goes great in coffee, recipes and so much more!

 Be conscious about what you put into your coffee. Make the switch to Leaner Creamer today and transform the way you drink your coffee.


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