- Four Eggs
- Two ripened bananas
- Half of a cup of rolled oats
- One scoop of chocolate protein powder
- Two tablespoons of chocolate protein powder
- One teaspoon of cinnamon
- Half of a cup of diced strawberries
- One tablespoon of honey
- One cup of powdered sugar
- One third of a cup of room temperature coffee
- Two to Three teaspoons of diluted Leaner Creamer
- Blender or Food Processor ( you may also use a fork if you do not have access to either of these)
Combine eggs, bananas, oats, protein powder, cocoa powder, and cinnamon in a blender or food processor. Pulse for a few minutes, until mixture is smooth and combined.
Combine Coffee, and Leaner Creamer mixture together in another bowl. When this mixture is smooth, combine it with the dry ingredients, mix till smooth.
Drop one fourth of the mixture into a heated skillet, Cook until golden.
Top with powdered sugar, diced honey infused strawberries. This recipe makes up to eight tp ten pancakes.