Whole Body Burner 200
By Brooke Simone
March 31, 2017
There are days when you don’t have the time for a long workout – and that’s where the Whole Body Burner 200 comes in. This quick 30-minute workout engages muscles in all parts of your body to leave you sculpted, lean, and ready for anything.
This workout is great for people of all fitness levels since it uses a kettlebell or dumbbell of your choosing.
We’ll start the workout with lateral lunges. Holding a kettlebell or dumbbell to your chest, step your right leg out to the side and sit into a deep lunge. Return to the center, and then step your left leg out and repeat. Do 10 lunges on each side.
Next, find a bench and grab your dumbbell again. Lean over, engage your core, and lift the dumbbell to the side of your chest in a single arm bent-over row. Do 10 with each arm. Don’t be afraid to adjust the weight even after you start; you shouldn’t be lifting the dumbbell quickly and easily, but also shouldn’t have to jerk your body to lift it up.
Now we’re going back to lower body for a single leg deadlift. This time, grab your kettlebell or dumbbell and hold it down in front of you with both hands. Lift one leg out behind you while bending over and extending your weight to the floor until you feel the stretch in your hamstring; then bring your leg slowly down and your upper body back to an upright position. Do 10 on each leg.
You guessed it – back to upper body! For this military press, you’re going to need two dumbbells. Begin with the weights at your shoulders and press upwards to full extension; bring arms back down. You can do this exercise standing or sitting. Do 10 total.
What whole-body workout would be complete without targeting your core! Let’s do some Russian twists! Lay down on a mat and bring your upper body and legs off the ground, knees slightly bent. Holding a dumbbell in your arms, twist your upper body to the left and hold for one second, then to the right and hold for one second. Twist 10 times to each side.
To finish off, we’ll do a quick round of bench dips. Place your hands behind you on the bench with legs out either straight or slightly bent in front of you. Bend your elbows to lower yourself toward the ground, and then press up to the starting position. Do 10 reps – I promise you’ll feel the burn!
And just when you thought this workout was over… do the whole circuit all over again! Now you’ll see where this killer workout gets its name. Each exercise is done in 10-rep increments, and the first circuit totals 100 reps – then you do it twice through!
The Whole Body Burner 200 is a quick, effective way to build lean muscle. If you have the time (and energy) for a third round through, go ahead and make it a Whole Body Burner 300! Be sure to end your workout with an upper and lower body stretch, refuel with a quick snack, and stay hydrated.
Now here’s a run-through of the workout for you to quickly reference at the gym:
Whole Body Burner 200:
Repeat this circuit 2 times through:
- Lateral lunges x 10 each side
- Single arm bent-over row x 10 each arm
- Single leg kettlebell deadlift x 10 each leg
- Military press x 10
- Russian twist x 10 each side
- Bench dips x 10