Burning fat doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of sneaky ways to burn fat that don't have to take a large amount of effort or time out of your day. Check out five sneaky ways to burn fat today on the blog!
1. Multitask.
What if I told you that you could burn fat while simply brushing your teeth? Well, with a little creativity, you can do just that! Instead of simply standing and brushing your teeth, try squatting and brushing, or lunging, or whatever standing workout tickles your fancy! Try this with other things that you do mindlessly, such as watching commercial breaks, brushing your hair, or standing in the shower!
2. Drink more water.
Are you drinking enough water daily? If not, then you're probably retaining unnecessary body fat. Drinking water helps your body to flush toxins, excess water, and maintain optimal working conditions. This keeps you looking your best!
3. Consume food that fights fat.
Foods that are high in protein and healthy fats are great for keeping you looking lean and feeling great! Make sure you incorporate a variety of nutritious food into your diet: think food like almonds, spinach, cottage cheese, eggs, and peanut butter. Yum!
4. Lift weights.
You didn't think cardio was the only way to blast fat, did you? On the contrary, people who have more built muscle burn more fat naturally than people with less muscle... even when they're not working out! So get ready to pump some iron!
5. Get your sleep.
Don't mind if I do! Did you know that people who get the recommended amount of sleep a day are of a healthier weight than those who don't get enough sleep? It makes sense -- if you want your body to be performing at it's optimal functioning, then you need to let it rest.