Shocking Reasons You Aren't Seeing Results At The Gym

You've been hitting the gym with all your might, but for some reason, you aren't getting stronger, faster, losing as much weight as you've wanted, or not gaining as much muscle as you intended. Why is that? Today on the blog, we're giving you the answers to the question "Why aren't I seeing results in the gym?"


1. You aren't eating enough protein.

Protein is one of the most important building blocks for healthy and strong muscle growth. If you aren't consuming enough protein, your muscles won't be repairing properly and you won't be seeing optimal results. Consume multiple sources of healthy proteins, such as eggs, chicken, beans, cottage cheese, soy, and fish, in order to give your body the boost of protein it deserves!


2. You aren't mixing up your workouts.

If you think that doing the same motion over and over again will get you results, well, I've got some bad news for you. One of the best things you can do for your body is to mix up your workouts so it doesn't get used to the exercise. That way, you avoid plateauing, and your body will improve much more quickly. If you usually run on a treadmill, try swimming in a pool for a cardio session. If pushups are your go-to arm workout, spend some time on the pull-up bar next arm day.


3. You're waiting too long between sets.

We're all guilty of this. You finish one set, and you dilly dally on your phone for a while as you wait for your next set. Catching your breath may make the next set seem easier, but we didn't go to the gym because we wanted our workout to be easy, did we? You'll get that extra "pump" if you wait around 30 seconds between sets. Try it next time you go to the gym and you're bound to feel like you've taken your workout to the next level.


4. You don't "feel the burn" ...or you stop when the going gets rough.

If you aren't "feeling the burn" during your workouts, then you aren't pushing your muscles to their fullest capacity. Pushing through that pain is what really makes your muscles stronger and leaner. So put on your favorite workout jam, turn up the music, and get your pump on. You can do it!


5. You aren't lifting heavy enough.

If you find that what you're lifting feels easy, then you may need to add more weight to your workouts. Make sure to increase your weight gradually but steadily, as your body feels ready, because you don't want to harm yourself. However, adding extra weight to your workout can push you to the top!


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