Lose Those Last Three Pounds

You've perfected your diet. You've been exercising regularly. So what's the deal with those stubborn last three pounds? Don't worry, we've all been there. And we hear you. Luckily, we've got the tips to get you to your fitness goals. You've got it, girl!

1. Drink more water. Your body functions at it's best when it's properly hydrated. It will give your metabolism the kick in the butt it needs to rev up and function at it's best. A speedy metabolism=weight loss. You'll look and feel great!

2. Cut out a high calorie ingredient. Pick a food that you can live without, and cut it out of your daily meals. Something that's high calorie but not a necessity, like cheese or alcohol. You can find a replacement for it (like nutritional yeast to replace cheese), but the point is to ditch a food that is working against you to see results.

3. Find adequate replacements. Zucchini noodles taste amazing and are healthier and more low-cal than pasta noodles. A fizzy Kombucha will kick your soda cravings without the guilt. Get creative, and make adequate replacements in your day to day meals. You won't believe the difference it makes!

4. Stop eating after 7pm. It's been proven that what time you eat doesn't necessarily dictate weight gain. Eating at 9pm contributes to weight gain just as much as eating at noon. However, by restricting yourself from eating at 7, you are regulating your total calorie intake. That means you won't be reaching for the cookie jar at 9pm. See where we're going with this?

5. Be patient. You'll get there. But Rome wasn't built in a day, and your hot bod certainly wasn't, either! If after a few weeks nothing has changed, you might want to reevaluate, but be realistic with your goals and give yourself a chance to properly  assess your progress.


Please Note: Results are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary.


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