We love the holidays almost as much as we love a steaming cup of coffee. But what do we not love about the holidays? Well, there's figuring out how to tactfully feign excitement about being gifted a pair of socks, listening to your crazy uncle talk politics (we've all got one), and, oh yeah, the seemingly inevitable weight gain. Don't worry -- we've got you covered. Here are the best ways to prevent weight gain this holiday season!
1. Get active with your friends and family. Replace sedentary activities with active ones. Instead of sitting around watching christmas movies, try going for a family hike. Replace a night of monopoly with a morning bike ride. Burn calories and hang out with your family -- that's killing two birds with one stone!
2. Balance your stress levels. Holidays are stressful. And stress can lead to weight gain. Make sure you make time to destress however that means to you. Yoga, anyone?
3. Bring a healthy dish to the family gathering. That way, you'll have a safe food to munch on that won't leave you feeling guilty.
4. Be conscious of liquid calories. Drinks are the sneakiest way to have the calories pile up. Be aware of what you're drinking, and how much, and practice portion control. We've got a great guide on the lowest calorie cocktails for you to check out!
5. Use a smaller plate. A classic dieting technique to trick your brain into thinking you're eating more is to use a smaller plate and fill it up. You'll eat less without realizing!
6. Resist going for seconds. We know that your aunt's mashed potatoes and gravy won the county fair's blue ribbon, but is it worth overindulging? Finish your first plate and give yourself a moment to let your hunger wear off. If you are still truly hungry, go back and for small servings.