How To Start Meditating

Meditating is one of the best things you can do for your mind and soul. But it's much more than just sitting down and staying quiet. In fact, getting started may be a little harder than you think. If you're ready to get started in meditation, but don't know where to begin, check out these tips!


1. Focus on your breath, not clearing your mind.

People think meditation is all about clearing your head of thoughts, but have you actually ever tried that? It's insanely tough to sit and just not think about anything for ten minutes. We're so used to being bombarded by stimulation, that it's not just as easy as "switching our brain off for a few minutes". Instead, focus on your breathing. Adopt a rhythm of deep breaths, in and out, and focus all your attention on that instead.


2. Relax.

If your in a position that you aren't relaxed in before meditating, you won't be at your most comfortable to calm yourself. Play around with locations, positions, and hand and arm placements before you begin to meditate. Remember, there is no right or wrong way!


3. Set the stage.

Make your space the most relaxing it can be. Dim the lights (or turn them off completely), light some candles or incense, and play some very relaxing natural sounds, like those of the ocean waves. This makes it easier to relax and to focus on your breathing, rather than the stressors of the day.


4. Practice makes perfect.

Remember that the more you practice, the easier this will become. Your brain may start of going crazy and thinking about every possible little thing, but after a few solid meditation sessions, you'll find that your mind will quiet itself naturally and it will become easier to accomplish what you are seeking. Keep it up! When you start, aim to do one meditation session a day for 5 to 10 minutes, and adjust accordingly as time goes on.


What is your favorite way to "set the stage" before you meditate? Let us know in the comment section below!


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