Boredom eating -- we've all been there. You aren't even hungry, but you just cannot stop reaching for those chips. And before you know it, the bag is gone and you're stuffed. We've got tips to prevent this from happening, because we've been there before. Check out these awesome, game-changing tips here!
1. Banish the boredom.
When you get the urge to eat when you're bored, the best plan of attack is to rip the culprit out by it's roots. Banish the boredom by doing something that you enjoy to take your mind off of things. Try doing something that you like, or that is productive, instead. Examples include painting your nails, cleaning your room, striking something off your to-do list, exercising, doing a yoga practice, or journaling.
2. Drink water instead.
Sometimes, just the act of consuming something will help curb the feeling of boredom. You can pour yourself an ice cold glass of water to hydrate instead of satiate. If you want to get fancy, you can add slices of lemon or cut fruit into your glass, or have a hot glass of tea instead!
3. Wait it out.
Give yourself a time limit. For example, if you're still craving food in a half an hour, have a snack. Usually, though, by just bypassing the initial urge to feast, the feeling will pass, and your body will realize that it wasn't actually hungry in the first place.
4. Eat something healthy and low-cal.
You also have the option to give in to the feeling... but instead of reaching for those salty chips or cookies, reach for some carrot sticks instead. Eating vegetables will turn your craving into a healthy burst of nutrition for your body, and you won't feel guilty later!
What is your favorite snack to indulge on when you're bored? What do you think you can replace it with instead, next time? Let us know in the comment section below!