So! You have a day off. Not only is it a day off from your job, but it’s also a day off from your exercise routine. That sounds like a Sunday. Yeah, it’s probably a Sunday. What a great day. The sky’s the limit! The world is your oyster! You’re a kid in a candystore! There are probably some other clichés that are slipping my mind… Anyway! The point is, you probably need help deciding what to do. So, grab a coffee, put some non-dairy Hazelnut-flavored Leaner Creamer in it, and settle in while we give some helpful suggestions on how to spend your day off.
- Eat bad food
Assuming that this is your cheat day, make use of it! Eat some ice cream or order a pizza! But maybe don’t get ice cream and pizza… that seems a bit overkill and that may also be the thing that turns a cheat day into a cheat week and derails the health train that was your diet.
- Clean the house
Maybe you’ve been putting this off. Or maybe you just don’t find the time to do it in the hustle and bustle of your normal schedule. Whatever the case may be, this might be a good opportunity to give your living spaces a scrub. It also never takes as long as you think it does, so you can probably go back to being unproductive for a good portion of the day!
- Watch your favorite movie
Maybe you haven’t seen it in a while. Maybe you just need to go back and double check if it’s still perfect. Or maybe your partner hasn’t seen it… in which case you need to make them watch it and see if your relationship is on solid ground… ‘cause if they don’t like it you may need to rethink some things…
- Call a friend or family member
You’ve got the time. You’ve got people you may not have caught up with in several months. This is a good moment to catch up and have some laughs over the phone. Make it a video call so that you can lord your Leaner Creamer over them! It’ll be fun!
- Start a project you’ve been putting off
Maybe it’s a novel or a screenplay that you’ve had in your head for a long time. Maybe it’s a woodworking project. You have the freedom and there are all sorts of things you can get going on this day of endless possibilities, so… why not?
- Do nothing. For real…
This might be controversial, but you could also just do nothing. Like… you could just stay in bed all day. Nothing productive, no movies, no reading. Just lay around and do nothing. In this world of constant stimulation (the screens we’re locked into, the horrible news we hear, our jobs, the radio, etc.), just sitting back and doing nothing could be a truly Zen-like activity. Or at the very least, it could be a way to recharge your batteries in this crazy modern world.