Holiday Workout Ready!

Holiday Workout Ready!

Welcoming the holiday season is all about the jolly spirit and festivities that we get to partake in, but that also means a jam packed schedule. You are either running around catching deals, in the kitchen cooking family favorites, or catering to the needs of family and friends.

 This makes it challenging to stick to your nutrition or fitness routine, so we want to make it easier on you. Finding the time to exercise within your hectic schedule can help release some of that holiday-related stress, so keep these 5 strategies in mind when you are ready to move:

 1 Embrace Winter Sports For those of you that have a snowy winter there are many types of activities you can do to keep your body moving, while having fun. Here are some ideas you can do with the family to create memories this holiday season: skiing, sledding, ice skating, and snowshoeing. Just be sure to bundle up, stay hydrated, and check weather conditions!

 2 Create an Indoor Workout Even if you are an outdoor enthusiast, there are times when the weather outside doesn’t cooperate with your plans, so having an indoor workout plan is important. Take your outdoor workouts that work for you in an indoor setting and turn them into an under 15 minute session that incorporates strength and cardio.

 3 Gamify Your Chores Have you ever watch that scene in Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez where she is dancing while doing chores? If you haven’t, then I am here to tell you that there is a way to have fun and get some exercise in while doing those tedious chores. While cooking or even getting the house ready for guests you can slip in some squats, lunges, or even turn up the volume on a song you are listening to and dance.

 4 Condensed Workouts If you have 10 minutes to spare within your schedule, then you have enough time to exercise. Try doing some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions that alternate short periods of all-out exercise with brief recovery periods. These sessions can include various workouts like: butt kicks, jump squats, mountain climbers, alternating side lunges, and many more.

5 Hit the Machines Destress yourself from your holiday schedule through machine workouts like hopping on a treadmill and running all your problems away. This may even allow you to clear your head up a bit and view what is troubling you through a better mind set. Also, machine workouts when coupled with HIIT techniques can be completed in minutes; allowing you to use your time more efficiently.


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