It's official -- I can die happy. Ice cream that you don't have to feel guilty about is finally here, and I can honestly say that it's just as good as it's calorie-filled, sugary counterpart. And even better -- It's easy to make, and uses ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. I've been waiting all my life for this recipe... here you go!
- 2 chopped, frozen bananas
- 2 TBSPs of Peanut Butter
- 1 TBSP of Mocha Leaner Creamer
- Water/Almond milk
- Chop and freeze two bananas (more if you're extra hungry). If you don't freeze the bananas, you're just going to end up with a weird liquidy shake -- not what we're going for here. So throw the chopped bananas in your freezer for a few hours until they're really frozen.
- Put your bananas in a food processor. Blend, adding a small amount (keyword: small) of water/almond milk if it isn't blending smoothly.
- Add the peanut butter and Mocha Leaner Creamer, and mix away.
- Top with whatever you please (I like granola and honey, personally), serve, and enjoy!