Health Benefits of Coffee
We drink it all day, every day, so wouldn't it be nice to know that our daily cup of coffee actually was healthy? There are correlations between coffee drinking and several health benefits, which means that it's possible that drinking coffee is good for you! So next time you're wondering whether or not you should spring for another cup of coffee, go ahead and treat yourself. After all, it's for your health ;)
Here are several health benefits correlated with drinking coffee:
- Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-coffee drinkers. This is likely due to the high antioxidant levels in coffee.
- In women, drinking coffee may lower your risk for having a stroke.
- One study involving about 130,000 people showed that those who consumed between 1 and 3 cups of coffee daily were 20% less likely to undergo hospitalization for arrhythmias.
- There is promising data pointing to the idea that drinking coffee may put individuals at a lower risk for developing Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease.
- Chances of developing cancer of the liver may be reduced in those who drink coffee.