Build a Better Smoothie

Hey friends!

So let’s get real, we’ve covered a ton of smoothie recipes that I really hope you have enjoyed but I have never really gone through the basics so you can create your very own recipe! (Which I really hope you do create your very own because then it’s a smoothie tailored for you).

First things first:


  • You need to get yourself a good blender. Like I like those big fancy blenders but cleaning up is such a big hassle then you have to pour it into another cup and it sort of feels like the mess never ends. So I recommend one of those smaller personal ones, I have the Nutribullet Pro and it’s pretty freaking cool! The personal cup is a perfect portion and it’s hassle free tbh. So go ahead, and splurge a bit and treat yourself to a great blender.
  • You choose the type of milk you like. If a recipe calls for 2% milk and you know that doesn’t sit well with you go ahead and substitute for your choice. There are lots of options to choose from: coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, heck there’s even camel milk (which I haven’t tried but I heard good things). Make sure to use the type of milk that is right for you, like for me I know 2% milk is too heavy for me so I always substitute with soy milk because it feels a lot lighter and I skip on being bloated. SO BONUS!!!
  • Sweetness! Honestly, I don’t enjoy eating bananas but I do enjoy blending bananas with every smoothie I make. It adds thickness, and natural sweetness that is healthy for you. Oh and you can start using Medjool dates, I think they’re going to be the newest and sweetest trend!
  • Be CREATIVE! Make sure to always have different fruits lying around and if you craving a certain taste go ahead and mix things up a bit. I’m always mixing different fruits and playing with the different portions to make sure I get the desired taste I’m looking for.
  • LEANER CREAMER. Duuuh, you can’t have a delicious smoothie without Leaner Creamer. Made with coconut oil there is absolutely no better addition to your everyday smoothie! And it helps with weight loss if paired with a balanced breakfast and exercise so BONUS!!


There you have it folks some tips to making the perfect smoothie. BTW if you have any tips go ahead and comment below, I always look forward to learning how to make a better smoothie and I can only accomplish that with your help!




6 thoughts on “Build a Better Smoothie

Aliza H.

It looks as though winter is all but gone (in Texas)~ This springtime smoothie is GREAT! Add 1/3 cucumber, 1/2 avocado, & some fresh mint. That’s it! You can add a few sprigs to garnish~ It’s cool & refreshing anytime. N’joy~

January 19, 2017 at 09:56am

Can you send some recipes to my email. And where can I get the leaner cream

January 16, 2017 at 17:44pm
Jeni Janow

I buy a big container of baby spinach at Sam’s Club and blend it with coconut water. Put in ice cube trays and freeze then transfer to a baggie. Just pop one in when you’re blending a smoothie.

January 10, 2017 at 07:54am
HIlda KEllogg

Thank you for the info

January 7, 2017 at 06:05am
Kay Wantman

Add chia seeds and psyllium seeds or flax seeds ground

January 3, 2017 at 06:16am

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