Hey guys, so today’s topic is all about healthy glowing skin! And it’s because I’ve been told constantly that my skin looks radiant and beautiful so I’m going to share my personal tips and hopefully they work out for you too!
First things first, MAKE SURE TO DRINK WATER. Trust me besides helping your inside organs you’ll be helping out your skin since your skin is the biggest organ you have! When you drink water you’re actually helping your body get rid of toxins resulting in gorgeous skin which is what we want!
Next, use sunscreen instead of regular lotion. Sunscreen helps protect your skin against those harmful rays that the sun omits! Sunscreen will protect your skin from getting burned and in the long run will keep your skin looking young and healthy! I love using sunscreen and when I feel that it’s time to use lotion I use Vanicream (I think that’s how you spell it). Also side note: this is me just promoting Vanicream just because I love it so much and I can really see the difference in my skin! It’s a little pricey but it’s the best lotion I’ve used, it’s for the face and body and I think it works best when you get out of the shower because your skin can get a bit dry or right when you wake up!
OMG SLEEP! If you ever needed an excuse to sleep here you go! Sleep will dramatically change your skin. When you get enough sleep and you rest your body you give yourself an opportunity to repair the damage that was done during the day. So go ahead and take naps or make sure to give yourself a good eight hours of restful sleep!
DIET! Now when I say this I’m not saying only eat greens and skip anything that’s processed. THAT”S ABSOLUTELY NOT WHAT I’M SAYING! I’m saying that remember to eat everything in moderation and limit your sugar count because having too much sugar or processed foods can completely ruin your digestion system and your skin because you’ll be taking in too many toxins and getting rid of them fast enough.
So to make things easier why not switch your highly sugared coffee creamer with Leaner Creamer and tadaa you’re pretty much onto a great start!
Let me know what works for you when you’re trying to make your skin look beautiful, this means share your beauty routine or products that work for you! I’m excited to find out what works!!!
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