Tips for Setting Achievable Fitness Goals

Tips for Setting Achievable Fitness Goals

Personal goal setting is an important part of reaching new fitness heights. Knowing what you want, as well as designating a path to get there, can help you keep even the biggest of your goals within reach. Today we talk about setting objectives to reach your fitness goals, so that you never stop improving!

  1. Keep your goals realistic. Face it -- saying you want to run a marathon by the end of the month when you haven't run since high school gym class might not be realistic. A 5k, however, just might be in the cards for you! Make sure your goals aren't the fitness equivalent of moving mountains. After achieving one goal, you can work your way up from a 5k to a 10k, to a half marathon, and then this time next year you might just be ready for the full thing!
  2. Keep your goals concrete. You can say that your goal is to "get fit" but what does that mean to you? Is it the ability to squat 200 pounds? Maybe you want to lose 25 pounds of fat, or gain 15 pounds of muscle. Either way, try to be specific with your goals. That way you know exactly what you're working towards!
  3. Track your progress. Keep track of the little milestones you hit along the way. If your goal is to run 10 miles without stopping, make a note when you're able to run 3, 5, and 7 miles without stopping. It helps keep you motivated so you can see how far you've come!
  4. Reward yourself for a job well done. You've worked hard, so it's time to treat yo'self! When you reach a milestone, go ahead and indulge a little! Buy yourself a treat or do something fun! Bonus points if it's something that helps you towards your fitness goals, like buying a new pair of workout shoes, or going to a SoulCycle class!
  5. Set small goals & big goals. Little accomplishments need to be noted, too! Sometimes, a fitness goal can just be trying out a new exercise class, or checking out the new gym in town. Make note of those little goals as well, so you can accomplish them too!
  6. Set weekly and monthly goals. At the beginning of every month, outline every concrete goal you want to achieve that month. At the beginning of each week, choose a handful of these goals to work towards, and get moving!
  7. Keep motivated! Combine the tips we've taught you above with your own motivating factors, and you'll set yourself up for success! Make a poster of all your #fitspo on it, call a friend when you're feeling lazy to give you a pep talk, or look back on all you've accomplished to recharge your motivation! You can do this!

What was the biggest fitness goal that you've ever achieved? What steps did you take to get there? Let us know in the comments below!


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