The WORST Way To Lose Weight

The WORST Way To Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a tricky task. This can be made even more difficult with all the information out there on what to do, and how. Make sure you aren't making this weight loss mistakes to ensure a healthy, maintainable body and weight!

Though you may feel tempted to skip a meal or two in order to reach your goal weight, this is actually one of the worst ways to lose weight in the long run! When your body isn't getting enough food, the first thing that your body wants to burn isn't fat, it's muscle. Your body knows when it's starving, so it gets rid of muscle first because muscle requires the most calories to function. 

If you aren't eating enough food, then your body will start to feel the symptoms. You won't feel healthy--instead, you'll feel tired, groggy, grumpy, and sluggish. No one wants to feel this way if they can avoid it!

Not only will starving yourself burn muscle, but it simply isn't a sustainable way to keep the pounds off. Your body will slow it's metabolism in an attempt to conserve energy, which means it will burn less calories overall. That's the opposite of what you want if you're trying to lose weight!

Luckily, there are alternatives to this that can provide better, healthier, and more sustainable benefits. Try eating healthier food overall, than just cutting calories by not eating. You can try exercising more to burn calories. You can even try visiting a dietician or a doctor, to help form an eating and exercising plan to get you to the results you want. Overall, it's important to stay realistic in your goals. Don't expect to be able to shed 5 pounds a week in a healthy way, and definitely don't expect your body to be able to keep it off! Your body is a temple, and you should treat it as such!


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