Science Says These Are The Healthiest Diets

With all the different types of diets out there, it's easy to feel like you're drowning in information. Why can't it just be as easy as "these types of diets lead to longer life and better health"? Is that too much for a girl to ask for? Well, lucky you, we've got your back. Science says these diets are the healthiest overall... find them out right here!


Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is one of the healthiest diets that you can eat. It focuses on increasing an individual's consumption of foods commonly eaten around the Mediterranean Sea. These foods include fish, olive oil, fruits and veggies, whole grains, brown rice, chicken, occasional red wine, and more. This diet is also rated as one of the easiest diets to follow... perhaps due to just how delicious Mediterranean food actually is?


Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian Diet is one of the most popular, and perhaps the most well known, diet around. It completely cuts meat from an individuals diet. People can embark on a Vegetarian Diet for a variety of reasons, including ethical or health. Vegetarian diets are most beneficial when meat is replaced with a higher vegetable intake, providing an individual with lots of healthy and natural vitamins and minerals.



DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. However, just because the goal of it is to prevent or lower high blood pressure, it truly is a diet that can be beneficial for everyone. This diet focuses on lowering your sodium intake to less than 2300 grams per day. This diet is considered to be one of the best for people with diabetes and those who want to focus on a heart-healthy diet.



The MIND diet is a brain-healthy approach to eating that claims to help prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. This diet is similar to both the DASH and the Mediterranean Diet. In this diet, you focus on eating foods like nuts, berries, olive oils, leafy greens, and healthy fats.


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