Happy Grandparent's Day!

Mom's side

It’s time to talk business. It’s time to talk about GRANDPARENTS!!! The real heroes of the world! They’re the ones that instill family values and sometimes teach us what’s wrong and what’s right.

So let me tell you about my grandparents. I’ve only had the honor of meeting of two of my grandparents. Both of my grandfathers died prior to me being born so I never met them but I always hear stories about them being the strictest kind hearted humans on earth. But moving on I have met both of my grandmothers. And let me tell they are so full of sass and pride.

Dad's Side

My grandmother from my dad’s side sadly passed away in 2006 but she was one who never strayed from a battle. She always stood her ground even when she was wrong there was no chance in hell that you can sway her into changing her mind. And she was tough when it came to teaching you a lesson she was old school if you couldn’t guess.

But she’s my grandma and I love her. Now my other grandma from my mother’s side she’s still alive and going strong. She lives in Guatemala and she’s still creating waves. She’s very passionate about what she believes in and she loves CHISME (gossip) probably a bit more than the average person. And she loves to tell her childhood stories to teach us a lesson and to explain to us the importance of family. And how without family you can’t accomplish much and that’s true. When I share my accomplishments my grandma is the first one to know and the first one to congratulate me and she shares how proud she is of me.

So this grandparent’s day, make sure to visit them. Tell them how important they are to you over a cup of coffee and some baked goods.

Remember that your grandparents are your personal cheerleaders because they only want the best for you.

Comment below and share your favorite memory of your grandparents.




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