Fitting Cardio Into Busy Days
Fitting Cardio Into Busy Days
Some days, it's hard to find time to breathe, nonetheless fit in a solid cardio session! However, getting 30 minutes of cardio into your daily schedule is actually easier than you think -- and today, we will teach you how to fit cardio into even the busiest schedules!
Try these tips and before you know it, you will be fitting in cardio into even your busiest days!
Break it up: Can't find an unoccupied half hour before or after work to go to the gym? Well, I bet you can find three 10 minute time slots where you don't have anything to do! Try doing a quick 10 minute jog before work, one at lunch, and one when you get home -- there's half an hour right there of jogging that you wouldn't have done before!
Do cardio at lunch: If your lunch breaks are usually just you sitting around with your coworkers, try making them about you for a change and do your cardio then! Assuming you have an hour lunch break, a 30 minute jog will still leave you with 30 minutes to get cleaned up and eat, and you'll have one less thing to think about after your finished!
Use the stairs: Some elevators are so slow, you might even save time by walking! And you'll definitely be feeling the burn after a few stories climbing up the stairs. It's a great way to engage you leg muscles and get your heart pumping.
If you're close, walk or bike: You have to commute anyways, so you might as well get some exercise while you do it! If you live close, a 15 minute bike ride to and from work gives you the 30 minutes of cardio you need!
Set your alarm early: Sometimes the simplest solution is often the best! If you can't find time in your day to work out, then make time! Starting your day 30 minutes earlier, and using that time to get your sweat on, will give you a burst of energy all day and leave you feeling great!
Double task: There are tons of ways to multitask while exercising! If you have to study, try studying on the treadmill. Check your emails or take a phone call while walking around the block. Even listen to a book on tape while riding your bike! If you do an activity you normally do stationary while you do your cardio, you are killing two birds with one stone!