Bum-Sculpting Exercises

Bum-Sculpting Exercises

Did you know that it’s possible to personalize your workout according to your butt type?

 Similar to how we all have different body types and seek out workouts that best suit our body, the same can be done with your butt. This may sound weird and is most likely something that you have never really thought about, but if you look around every person has a different butt. They vary in shape, size, or what you have and are categorized into: v-shaped, heart, square, or round.

 You may already know your butt type, but if you are unsure have a friend or family member snap a pic of the lower half of your legs in leggings. Once you have determined your butt type scroll down to see, which workout work for you:

 1 V-Shaped Individuals tend to want to round out the v-shape, which means you need to fire up that gluteus maximus; giving your booty a little more lift and pop. Exercises that focus on hip range of motion are suggested, such as: squat series (loaded and goblet squats) and leg lift series (bent-leg pulses and all-fours lateral raises).

 2 Heart For heart shaped butts, they are not lacking in the gluteus maximus areas so the key is to work the hamstrings and the gluteus medius to lift. It is suggested to take on exercises that focus on rear leg extension to target the back of your upper legs, such as: lateral resistance walks, single-leg squats, and ballet leg lifts.

 3 Square Individuals with this shape have butts that fall a little to the bottom and hold more volume up top. So, to lift your bum, you should focus on the gluteus medius through exercises such as: lunge series (lunge with rotation and curtsy lunge) and side-leg series (side-leg lifts and squat with lateral raise).

 4 Round For this butt type, the goal is to maintain the shape by getting all the muscles involved; allowing you to get firm and keep the shape you want. Exercises that enable this are: lunge matrix, pliés, and pilates sidekicks.


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