No gym membership? Not feeling up to an all-out workout today? Set the excuses aside -- turns out, simply walking has a plethora of health and fitness benefits that you probably were unaware of. So, if you have a pair of shoes, you can get out there and do your body good. Learn all about the fabulous benefits right here.
- It's awesome for your heart: Daily walks are a great and easy way to reduce your risk of heart problems. Walking for 30 minutes improves circulation, helps control high blood pressure, and stabilizes cholesterol levels.
- It can help you maintain a healthy weight: It makes sense that daily exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight. People who make time for a brisk 30 minute walk are less likely to be obese, and more likely to enjoy a healthy and stable weight.
- It tones you up: Regular walking is an amazing way to tone your legs, glutes, and stomach. It might not give you a six pack, but if you're looking to add a bit of sharpness to your calves, or definition to your stomach, then a simple half hour walk might be just what you need to take your physique to the next level.
- It staves off dementia: The link between regular exercise and dementia has been widely studied. What research suggests is that those who engage in regular walks are less likely to develop dementia, likely due to walking's amazing ability to lower blood pressure.
- It can help fight depression: Studies show that people diagnosed with depression benefit from daily, brisk walks. It helps lift moods and release endorphins, a powerful chemical in making our brains feel good and happy.
Where is your favorite place to take long walks? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!