The Importance of Rest Days

The Importance of Rest Days

By Jessica Williams

We've all heard that rest days are important to reach your fitness goals, but do you actually know why its so important? What are your muscles doing, and how is your body reacting, when you take a breather from your workouts for a day or two each week?

When you rest, your body is regenerating itself. Workout out actually causes tiny tears in your muscles that need to be repaired, and when your body successfully tears then repairs itself, we see results. Awesome! But if you don't take rest days, and your continue tearing and tearing the muscle down, then when will your body be able to reach that repair stage? That's where rest days come in! By taking it easy, it gives your body valuable time to replenish itself and your muscles.

So what should you do on your rest days? Sleep is the most important thing, as it's when your body does the most healing. You should also use this as a day to catch up on your shows, read that book you've been dying to get your hands on, or even go for a short walk (after all, it's unreasonable to think you need to be completely housebound on your rest days). Enjoy your day off, and get ready to give 100% the next day!


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