Summer Beach Workouts
Who said you can't work out at the beach? Sunny days by the sea make for the best workout spots. You can get tanned AND toned by doing a beach workout during your next trip to the beach -- in fact, the element of sand makes for a great resistance workout! Here are some great exercises you can do at your next beach day!
Warm Up: For a good warm up, consider a light jog to get your heart pumping. The sand may make it a bit more difficult to run, so if you are going more slowly than usual, don't be alarmed!
Sand Sprints: This is a great way to get your cardio in! Run as fast as you can for 15 to 30 seconds, with a 15 second break before starting again. Do this between 5 and 10 times.
Abs: Try doing an ab circuit while laying on your towel in the sand. Do a circuit of: 30 russian twists, 30 crunches, a 60-second plank, 30 bicycle crunches, 10 leg lifts, and 30 toe touches. Repeat that 3 times to really feel the burn!
Legs and Glutes: When doing your leg workout in the sand, you get a great workout from the resistance. Try doing jump squats, walking lunges, and burpees to whip your lower half into shape!
Arms: Doing an arm workout at the beach makes it much more bearable! At least you can look at the gorgeous sand and waves while you work out! Lay your towel out and do pushups, body weight tricep dips, and crab walks to strengthen your arms!