Healthy Coffee Creamers Alternatives You Should Know About
The best way to make long-term and positive changes is to change your small daily habits. It can be something as simple as choosing to walk to instead of driving, or swapping one sugary soda for a refreshing iced tea.
Another smart way to cut back on empty calories is to change-up your morning coffee routine. There is so much added sugar in flavored coffee creamers, and just an ounce of half & half contains around 40 calories. Regular coffee creamers are pretty bad for you!
According to Rachel Johnson, professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington: "There's been a lot of research in recent years looking at the impact of added sugars. What we know so far is that added sugars put you at a higher risk for a poor lipid (fats) profile: Higher triglycerides, lower HDL (the good cholesterol) and higher LDL levels (the bad cholesterol) in your blood. A poor lipid profile increases your risk for coronary heart disease. Having a diet full of sugar also promotes inflammation and increases risk of having high blood pressure."
Can you only imagine taking something as pure and healthy as coffee and drinking it with all these chemicals every single day of your life? All of your efforts to exercise regularly and keep your calories low can go to the drain per the mirror fact that you had your morning coffee with a regular creamer. Such a bummer!

Leaner Creamer is the healthiest coffee creamer option out there. Our CEO, Jonathan, felt frustrated by the lack of healthy options for creamers and decided to do it himself. With a professional team of chemists and food engineers, Jonathan designed a special formula that blends different superfoods to boost your morning routine.