We all want to make sure we're eating a healthy diet that will keep us happy and looking and feeling our best. But there are plenty of myths out there that are detrimental, unnecessarily inconvenient, or just plain wrong. Find out these sneaky little diet myths that we need to forget on the blog right here!
1. Eating after 7pm will make you gain weight.
Truth be told, it doesn't matter as much as we once thought when we eat. Rather, what's more important in gaining weight is how many calories we consume versus how many we burn. If you eat 1000 calories all at 8pm, but still stay at or below your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, you won't gain weight. So if you're worried about gaining weight, worry less about the when, and more about that what and how much.
2. Egg yolks contain unhealthy cholesterol and are bad for you.
In truth, the cholesterol that we consume and the cholesterol that builds up in our bodies are two different things. Egg yolks are actually full of nutrition and flavor, so don't cut it out just for cholesterol purposes!
3. High-fat products will make you gain weight.
Healthy fats are great for your body, skin, nails, and hair, and are an important part of a healthy diet. But eating fats doesn't directly translate into you gaining fat, as long as you eat a balanced amount of it. As a matter of fact, many low or no-fat products contain more processing and nasty ingredients than their fatty counterparts!
4. Protein only comes from meat.
There are plenty of fantastic sources of protein that aren't meat based at all. Plant-based protein sources include beans, nuts, seeds, which all can be utilized for their protein! For vegetarians especially, it is important to be able to access foods that are high in protein.