What Your Body Craves vs What It Needs

Your body has a funny way of communicating what it needs from you. One of the ways it talks back is through cravings -- something we all know very well. But just because you're craving chocolate ice cream doesn't mean that's what your body needs! We're talking about cravings today on the blog, and healthy replacements for what your body craves, right here!


If you're craving: Pasta

Then your body needs: Chromium

You should eat: Eggs, avocado, broccoli, green beans


If you're craving: Burgers or other fatty foods

Then your body needs: Omega 3

You should eat: Fish, seafood, walnuts


If you're craving: Red Meat

Then your body needs: Zinc

You should eat: Dried fruit, granola, legumes


If you're craving: Chocolate

Then your body needs: Magnesium

You should eat: Almonds, spinach, whole grains, raw cacao


If you're craving: Chips

Then your body needs: Chloride

You should eat: Olives, kelp chips, tomatoes, celery


If you're craving: Cheese

Then your body needs: Calcium

You should eat: Kale, flax seed, oranges, sesame seeds


If you're craving: Bread

Then your body needs: Nitrogen

You should eat: Whole grain bread, quinoa, brown rice


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