How To Not Feel Restricted On A Diet
When you're trying to cut down on calories, it can be easy to feel like you're missing out. When you feel like you can't have something, that makes you want it more, after all! Banish those feelings of restriction, and prevent yourself from binging on treats with these awesome tips!
- Indulge yourself: The key here is moderation. One small treat a week, or even every few days, won't destroy your diet, and actually might help prevent an all out binge. So, treat yo'self to a bag of chips, or a bite of pie... just make sure to not overdo it.
- Find healthy alternatives: There are tons of low-calorie recipes and products on the market that taste just as good as their sugary, fatty counterparts. For example, ice cream made from frozen bananas, or sweet potato fries instead of regular fries. Browse the internet for some new recipes, and have fun experimenting!
- Change your mindset: Sometimes the best way to deal with obstacles is to change the way you think. Don't view cutting out food or lowering your calorie intake as a restriction, but you taking one step closer towards your goals and a healthier lifestyle.
- Don't starve yourself: By keeping low calorie snacks around and eating them when you feel a pang of hunger coming on, you reduce your chance of feeling like you're depriving yourself. The hungrier you are, the more likely you are to feel grumpy or like you want to splurge on something unhealthy... So, keep some low calorie snacks around to keep you feeling energized and prepared to conquer your diet!