Cryotherapy -- What's The Deal?

You've probably heard about it, but what exactly is cryotherapy? And more importantly, why are people racing to sit inside a chamber with temperatures hovering around -270 degrees? Turns out, cryotherapy has made quite a name for itself because of the awesome benefits that it can offer, especially to athletes and gym goers.

The concept of cryotherapy is simple. Basically, you strip down and get into a freezing cold chamber for a few minutes, and let the cold do the rest. It offers an array of health benefits, such as:

1. It can help you sleep better. Turns out, cryotherapy can help regulate your sleeping patterns. More sleep = more energy throughout the day. Hop in a cryotherapy chamber in the morning, and heat up with a warm cup of coffee afterwards for the most effective morning wake up routine of your life!

2. It helps boost your immune system. A healthy immune system means you're less likely to get sick or feel lousy. That's a huge advantage, especially with flu season just around the corner!

3. It will give you an endorphine rush. Elle Woods knew what she was talking about when she said "endorphines make you happy". The feel good hormone is released when your body is under shock, so you get that high when you freeze yourself, too!

4. It's good for inflammation. The reason you put ice packs on inflamed areas is because it helps to reduce it. Think of cryotherapy as an all over body ice pack. If you have any inflammation in your body, or an injury that needs icing, cryotherapy can help your body recover.

5. It's good for bloodflow. Reduced inflammation helps to increase bloodflow. Double win, right? Cryotherapy can help with people who have poor circulation. Try it, your body will thank you!


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